At the start of the easter egg (Phase 1 - as described below), the PawnTakesPawn website had a completely different look to it. Since then, it has kept changing and evolving to contain more interactive objects and information, as we have progressed towards the release of the Black Ops Cold War. PawnTakesPawn is an Alternate Reality Game (ARG) that has kept the COD community busy, while we wait for the release of Black Ops Cold War. In this guide we have separated all the easter egg hunts into different phases to make things easier for you to understand, as there is a lot to cover. Phase 1 started in early August 2020, when several content creators were sent out different packages that contained projectors and slides. They could not open the packages until August 10, however. The information contained in these projector slides eventually lead them into the Bunkers in Call of Duty: Warzone.

These Bunkers contained several cipher keys and clues that were used to solve different puzzles. After a 2-week long puzzle, the reveal trailer for Black Ops Cold War was given to us through an in-game event in Warzone on August 26, 2020. Phase 2 began on August 31, 2020, when the PawnTakesPawn website was updated with new content including a computer terminal, dot-matrix, and a text-based adventure game called ‘Zork.’ You can play the game to get several achievements. This was the start of the Zork achievements and a warm-up for the puzzles to follow in the coming weeks/phases. The site also now had an option to sign up to save your achievements. Phase 3 began around 4 September 2020 with several postcards being mailed to players who had signed up, asking them to solve the Zork puzzle to get even more achievements and rewards to redeem in Warzone. In Phase 4, the same content creators from Phase 1 were sent out packages containing items that could be used to solve the puzzles. Phase 4 began on 23 September 2020 and alluded to the zombies mode present in Call of Duty: Black Ops Cold War, cumulating with a trailer for the mode being revealed on 30 September,. This was after teaser video was unveiled on 29 September, being the culmunation of a week-long easter egg hunt and puzzle-solving.

Phase 5 began on October 18, 2020, when PawnTakesPawn users were sent an email with instructions on how to solve the next easter egg and puzzles that were in the Black Ops Cold War Beta that was available to play at the time. Note that Phase 4 had announced an extension of the Black Ops Cold War Beta play period. Originally the beta was supposed to last until October 19, 2020, but after the easter egg, it was extended to October 20, 2020. Phase 6 began on October 22, 2020, when the participants received yet another email providing instructions on solving the easter egg’s next part, utilizing Call of Duty: Mobile. Phase 7 began on October 26, 2020. Several content creators were sent some more items that will be used for the next and final step of the PawnTakesPawn easter egg. Below, you will find a complete guide on how each phase was completed, with an in-depth explanation of each and every puzzle. We also have a full Zork guide explaining how to get all the achievements on the PawnTakesPawn website.

Phase 1

To start, Activision sent out mysterious crates to several Call of Duty content creators, including NoahJ456, MrDalekJD, CodeNamePizza, TheXclusiveAce, and CharlieINTEL. They were given a specific date to open up these crates. The date was August 10th, 2020. Upon opening up the crates, these content creators found an old 1950’s projector with projector slides. These projector slides contained several different images, including real-world map locations of several major cities that were numbered (London, Paris, Moscow, New York, and Tokyo), random letters around clock figures with colored circles at the bottom, and parts of the Summit map from the Black ops franchise.

At this point, a discovery was made - there had been a sneaky update to the Black Ops 4 map ‘Summit’. The map also contained the numbers next to the major cities in projector slides, along with some clocks with all the city names that were found in the crate, except for Tokyo.

In addition to the clocks, the computer screens in the central control room were now turned on. They had the same kind of images that were seen in the projector slides.

When you loaded up the Summit map, you could notice the same sort of numbers all around the map on different colored walls. These correlated with the numbers that showed the major cities on the projector slides, which ultimately help decide what letter clock figure corresponds to which city.

The clocks in Summit were completely frozen at specific times. Now, since we knew which letter clock figure corresponds to which city, we could overlay them on the clocks and then note down the letters those clock hands were pointing at.

After doing all the cities the following words were discovered:

New York: U E W Moscow: H R E London: S B I Tokyo: E E R Paris: Y O H

These letters were an anagram for a sentence that was “BISH YOU WERE HERE.” It was discovered that “Bish you were here” was a famous chess game during a world chess championship in 1972 between Boris Spassky (representing Russia) and Robert Fischer (representing the USA). Moving forward, the remaining images come into play. While everyone was confused about the next step, Treyarch put up an image on their Instagram story that showed a similar circular picture as the ones seen in the project slides, along with a long list of blanks with one letter “K.”

The images with yellow circles (both from the projector slides and the in-game computer screens), and the one that Treyarch put in their story, were overlayed on top of the images with letters on them. This gave us a sentence, “TURN ELEVEN WHITE.” This was again referencing to the Boris vs. Fischer chess game where on the 11th turn during the game, a pawn takes over another pawn.

This was co-aligned with what Treyarch put on their story, and another word was figured out, which was PAWNTAKESPAWN. And, the “K” in “TAKES” perfectly matched with the Instagram story blank.

Finally, it was discovered that there was a website for the actual easter egg, which then began on August 14, 2020. You could go to and see an old TV with a VHS tape player and an ancient telephone. Not only that, but you could also see the Warzone map, hinting about the involvement of Warzone in the next step of the easter egg.

The Ciphers

Every day starting from August 14 through to August 19, 2020, there were multiple VHS tapes released that could be watched on the aforementioned VHS player. These tapes were each 20 minutes long and had a series of numbers flashing, showing the video played.

The time across all these tapes ranged from 2:05 to 14:00 min. The numbers flash across all these tapes at an interval of 0:05 seconds every time. This is an important piece of information that we would need for the final step of this easter egg.

The tapes were also colored, and that helped us decide what tape would help solve what cipher. Basically, there are six ciphers: PSG, Lambda & f, Nix-Charge, Nix Stack, Chem, and Venona. These ciphers are spread in different locked bunkers and shacks around Warzone.

These ciphers are also color-coded, and that helps us understand which tape corresponds to which cipher. There will be more on this as we progress further, since these colors have significance in solving the ciphers, courtesy of new information that was released on the very last day of the easter egg. While these tapes played, the VHS player flashed Warzone coordinates with keypad code. Those coordinates lead to either a locked room or a bunker that had these cipher images. For example, Venona cipher 1/4 could be in Bunker 4 while Venona cipher 3/4 could be found in the secret locked farm room, and so on. Every other day, a new tape was released with the previous one titled V2. The third day V2 changed to V3 and so on. Each new version of the tape added more random numbers on top of the already existing ones in them. This caused everyone to re-watch all the tapes to capture all the random numbers on the last day when the final tape was released. On the first day of the Easter egg (August 14, 2020), there was also a sticky note on the TV that read /tangledweb. This was just a URL to the page that had a huge note about war, ciphers, and signals.

There was another sticky note that read /emc2. This one leads to another page where the days of the easter egg were mentioned and were crossed off one by one, as they passed. The day wouldn’t be crossed off until the steps for the day were completed. You can see the image of the site below as seen on the sixth day.

On the last day, there were two more sticky notes released on another page: /11thhour. The two sticky notes were “TIMING IS EVERYTHING” and a huge note with time-stamps that were obviously for the tapes. This is important for the final step of this easter egg.

The Tapes and Numbers

There were a total six tapes that each had footage of various historic real-life events. All the videos were from the Cold War era, from 1947 - 1991. Below we have gathered all the numbers found on each tape on the final day.

1981 (Yellow): 1,3,2,2,3,4,1,1,2,1,3,1,2,2,6,2,3,4,3,1,5,1,2,1 1979 (Red): 2,0,9,1,3,3,6,1,7,7,1,6,3,9,7,7,7,0,8,5,9,4,1 1977-78 (Purple): 4,3,7,1,3,2,7,8,8,5,0,8,5,2,9,8,1,5,8,3,0,1,4,7 1972-73 (Blue): 7,50,7,51,2,25,54,54,25,9,57,6,22,54,25,50,25,7,59,58,25,50,25,2 1968-69 (Orange): 15,9,13,21,12,6,10,24,4,11,5,17,25,18,7,11,13,12,22,19,13,1,16,2 1961-62 (Green): 60,8,52,48,80,15,93,37,71,15,80,8,92,25,81,37,80,38,60,48,93,18,63,28

Warzone Coordinates & Access Codes

Video Showcase

Every time a new tape was released, in-game Warzone coordinates and eight-digit keypad access codes were also shown briefly on the VHS player. These coordinates either lead to locked bunkers or secret rooms that we couldn’t access until the codes were shown.

We can find all the ciphers inside all these bunkers and rooms, along with amazing legendary loot.

Bunker 10 (with Nuke) - 1981 (Yellow)

VHS Screen: WZ-F8-60274513 Coordinate: F8 Keypad Code: 60274513

TV Station Shack - 1979 (Red)

VHS Screen: WZ-F4-27495810 Coordinate: F4 Keypad Code: 27495810

Bunker 01 - 1977-78 (Purple)

VHS Screen: WZ-B7-97264138 Coordinate: B7 Keypad Code: 97264138

Prison Shack - 1972-73 (Blue)

VHS Screen: WZ-H8-72948531 Coordinate: H8 Keypad Code: 72948531

Bunker 03 - 1968-69 (Orange)

VHS Screen: WZ-B5-87624851 Coordinate: B5 Keypad Code: 87624851

Farmland Secret Room - 1961-62 (Green)

VHS Screen: WZ-H6-49285163 Coordinate: H6 Keypad Code: 49285163

Cipher Colors

The colors of these ciphers are:

PSG (Green) Nix-Charge (Yellow) Nix Stack (Red) Lambda & f (Purple) Chem (Blue) Venona (Orange)

Final Key

On the last day of the Easter egg, there was one more key released on /11thhour. This key indicated what colored tape would be used to solve what colored cipher.

The cipher key goes:

PSG Cipher

Let’s start with the PSG cipher. The PSG cipher had four grids that were found in different bunkers and secret locked rooms. Before continuing with this cipher, you need to get familiar with the four-square cipher invented by Félix Delastelle.

In a four-square cipher, there are four 5x5 matrices that are arranged in a square to make a big 10x10 matric. These matrices contain alphabets, ignoring the letter “Q” or sometimes putting both “I” and “J” to ensure all the alphabets fit together. The upper-left and lower-right matrices are called plaintext squares that have regular alphabets from a-z omitting the letter “q”. The upper-right and lower-left matrices are called ciphertext squares. These contain the alphabets but starting with a known keyword. The ciphertext squares start with the keyword alphabets followed by filling in the remaining alphabets in order and skipping any repeated alphabets that could be found in the keyword alphabets. If we take a look at the PSG ciphers 1/4 and 4/4, they both start with A and end with Z. This means that they are the plaintext squares, and we can continue to fill the alphabets ignoring the letter “Q.”

You can also notice on PSG 3/4, and there is a small statement that reads, “As usual, each of the 5x5 matrices ignores instances of the letter “Q.” This confirms that we will skip “Q.” Now, to fill PSG 2/4 and PSG 3/4, we have the keywords. PSG 2/4 has a code word written on it “ZEPHYR.” This is our keyword that we will put in the grid. We also already have the first letter “Z” on it. After putting in “ZEPHYR,” we continue putting the alphabets in order from A to Z, omitting the use of “Q.” We repeat the same with PSG 3/4 with the keyword “TRIDENT.”

Once we’ve completed all the squares, we can arrange them together in a 10x10 grid. After arranging them, we need to plot numbers from 0-9 on both x-axis and y-axis. Another hint has been given on PSG 1/4, and you can see a 0 number beside the letter “A” that confirms this.

Once you have everything plotted, the hard part starts. So the numbers that we get from the green tape are: 60,8,52,48,80,15,93,37,71,15,80,8,92,25,81,37,80,38,60,48,93,18,63,28 If you look at the numbers closely, you will see a repeating pattern that is:

If the first digit is greater than or equal to 5, then the second digit is lower than 5. If the first digit is lower than 5, then the second digit is greater than or equal to 5.

From this, we can deduce that these are a pair of coordinates that we can use on the 10x10 grid. The first digit is considered as the column number, and the second digit is considered as the row number. This is where most of the people get it wrong, as they treat, for instance, the first number 60 as going across 6 and down 0, which gives them the letter “E.” Most of the people consider this as the correct first letter, but this is wrong. You need to solve this according to Delastelle’s rule. That means, according to the pattern discussed above, one pair of coordinates would be 60 and 8 (or 08) as they are the first two numbers from the green tape. 60 gives us the letter “E,” and 08 provides us with the letter “M” on the 10x10 grid. Now, to get the actual letters, you need to refer to the alphabets in conjunction or intersection across these letters. You have “E” and “M,” these are two corners, now look above “M” but stop at the row where we have “E,” you land at “A.” This letter “A” is your first alphabet.

Now, look across “M” but to the right and stop at the column where you get “E,” and you stop on the letter “R.” This is your second letter for this pair, which gives you “AR.” Do the same with the rest of the numbers, and you get the final code that is: AR OP BD TO GC AT ME IN DT ER RU SR That concludes your PSG cipher.

Nix-Charge Cipher

According to the final key, the Nix-Charge cipher can be solved using the numbers found in the orange tape. The numbers are: 15,9,13,21,12,6,10,24,4,11,5,17,25,18,7,11,13,12,22,19,13,1,16,2 It is quite simple to solve this one. You will notice on Nix-Charge 1/4 and Nix-Charge 2/4 that there are two different images with a bunch of numbers stacked on top of each other. On 1/4, it reads that “FLAT BLACK CROWN ADMINISTERS POSITIVE EFFECTS.” And on 2/4, it states that “SILVER CROWN ADMINISTERS POSITIVE EFFECTS.”

From this, we can deduce that any number with a black base will be considered as a positive number, and any number with a white base will be considered as a negative number. Going to Nix-charge 3/4 and 4/4, the total numbers available are 24. The numbers from the tapes were also 24 in total. The Nix-Charge numbers can be found by looking at both 3/4 and 4/4. The numbers that are missing in 3/4 can be seen in the same base on 4/4. And the numbers that are missing in 4/4 can be seen in 3/4. Correlating both of them, you can fill in the Nix-Charge numbers. In the infographic image below, you can see how the first two rows are correlated, the rest are filled in following the same method.

The Nix-Charge numbers are: -3,-5,+6,-7,+9,+1,+5,-4,+2,+9,-0,3,-2,-4,-1,+8,+5,-3,-4,-7,+2,+3,+2,-1 Now all you have to do is add the numbers from the Nix-Charge to the numbers obtained from the orange tape.

Final Numbers

Then you will translate these final numbers into letters by following the general rule of A=1, B=2, C=3, D=4, and so on.

The letters that you get from the final numbers are: L D S N U G O T F T E T W N F S R I R L O D R A That concludes our Nix-Charge cipher.

Nix-Stack Cipher

The Nix-Stack cipher is the red cipher and according to the final key, we use the numbers flashed in the blue tape to solve this cipher. The numbers seen in the blue tape were: 7,50,7,51,2,25,54,54,25,9,57,6,22,54,25,50,25,7,59,58,25,50,25,2 This cipher is based around Nixie tubes. A Nixie tube is a glass tube with a number of cathodes shaped in numeral form. The word nixie is derived from the word “NIX I,” which is an abbreviation of “Numeric Indicator eXperimental No. 1”. We can also see this name all on Nix-Stack ciphers. The most common Nixie tubes have ten cathodes in the shape of numbers ranging from 0-9. These cathodes are placed one behind another, and each of these appears at different depths. We can see Nix-Stack 3/3 that the numbers are all stacked together confirming this. There are different arrangements one such arrangement is called “ИH-12A” or “IN-12A”. This is a Russian arrangement where the numbers go 3 8 9 4 0 5 7 2 6 1 from front (3) to back (1). It makes sense as well since the sequence of numbers seen in Nix-Stack 2/3 is matching up with this arrangement of numbers. You can fill in the blank numbers and get precisely the same arrangement.

Now, you will notice that an arrow is pointing down from the last number (1) to the first (3), indicating that the arrangement of the same numbers is reversed. If you go to Nix-Stack 3/3, you have a blank space to fill from 0-9. You can fill in the Russian arrangement numbers (3 8 9 4 0 5 7 2 6 1) but in reverse order since the arrow is pointing from 1 to 3 (1 6 2 7 5 0 4 9 8 3).

This will give you a reference that will help you decode the numbers obtained from the blue tape. Filling in the arrangement you will get: Once you’ve established the above. You now know that 0 = 1, 1 = 6, 2 = 2 and so on. We will use this to translate the numbers that we’ve obtained from the blue tape digit by digit. For instance, the first number from the blue tape is 7 (or 07), which means if we look at it digit by digit, it will be 19. Because 0 = 1 and 7 = 9 making it 19. You will translate all the numbers using the same method which will give you the final number: 19 01 19 06 12 20 05 05 20 13 09 14 22 05 20 01 20 19 03 08 20 01 20 12 You will again use the same general rule of converting these numbers to the alphabet using the table provided above in the Nix-Charge cipher. Your final answer will be: S A S F L T E E T M I N V E T A T S C H T A T L That is your solution for the Nix-Charge cipher.

Chem Cipher

The Chem cipher requires a little bit of Chemistry knowledge. You need to familiarize yourself with the Hill System Order when writing the chemical compound formulas. To summarize, the Hill System states that when writing a chemical formula, the Carbon (C) atoms are written first, Hydrogen (H) second, and all the remaining elements in alphabetical order. If there is no Carbon present in a formula, then rearrange the formula in alphabetical order. According to the final key, the Chem cipher can be solved by using the numbers acquired from the yellow tape. The numbers are: 1,3,2,2,3,4,1,1,2,1,3,1,2,2,6,2,3,4,3,1,5,1,2,1 There are two ciphers for Chem 1/2 and 2/2. Both these Chem ciphers have a list of 24 chemical compounds (12 chemical compounds in each cipher page). The number of chemical compounds is exactly the same as the numbers that we got from the tape. Both are 24. On Chem 1/2 cipher page, there is a note that says, “USE THE HILL SYSTEM AND DISREGARD SUBSCRIPT INTEGERS.” This means that whatever subscripts we get, including the numbers in a chemical compound formula, we will ignore that after arranging the chemical formulas into a Hill System Order. The chemical compound formulas and their Hill System Order is: After arranging the chemical compound formulas into Hill System formation, we will go back to the numbers that we got from the yellow tape. If you look closely at the numbers, you will realize that all the numbers are very small. The max number in this set is 5, and the lowest is 1. Each number here points to a letter in the Hill System formula of the corresponding chemical element. For instance, our first number is 1, so we will choose the first letter from the first chemical formula (hill system) that is CHNO. The first letter here is “C”. Following the same method, we get the following: That gives us our final solution for the Chem cipher that is: C W H H N Y H I B B I H Y H S I O S N C S H N H

Venona Cipher

The Venona cipher has a total of four pages, and it uses the concept of the “one-time pad” key. The cipher might seem complicated at first glance, but once you understand the main idea, everything becomes much clearer. We highly recommend you read Smithsonian Magazine’s article on this specific cipher to grasp the central concept. Venona has an orange color, and accordingly, the numbers from the purple tape are used to solve this cipher. The purple tape gives us the following numbers: 4,3,7,1,3,2,7,8,8,5,0,8,5,2,9,8,1,5,8,3,0,1,4,7 To solve this cipher, you should know how to open up Bunker 11. Feel free to check our full guide on how to do the Bunker 11 easter egg and access it. Once you’re inside the Bunker, you will notice several random words on the walls of the Bunker.

And as we suspected back when the Bunker was first opened, those words are indeed part of this easter egg and helps decipher the Venona cipher. Visiting Bunker 11 ever since this easter egg’s solution, we’ve observed that these words are not on the wall anymore. The words are:


If you look at Venona 3/4, you can find all these words there with their codes that are:

“RESUME” = 0643 “COVER” = 2518 “AWAIT” = 2354 “FURTHER” = 7866 “INSTRUCTIONS” = 1164

The order is exactly as stated above, and according to Venona 3/4, it becomes: 0643 2518 2354 7866 1164 We get a 20 digit code. Taking a look at Venona 2/4, you can see that there is a red note that reads “HELI EVAC,” pointing the first empty box of the last row. You can get this code by looking at the winning screen of Warzone. When you win and get into the helicopter, you will notice a code beside your Operator on an orange “bag.” The code is “J4722.”

According to the Venona rule, you need to shift the first digit from the second group to the first, first two digits from the third group to the second, first three from the fourth to the third, and finally, all four from the fifth group to the fourth group. Doing so, you will get the following number now: 06432 51823 54786 61164 Now we add the “HELI EVAC” code at the beginning of this code which makes it look like: J4722 06432 51823 54786 61164

You will notice that these numbers now fit perfectly in the last empty row of Venona 2/4. But, we are still not done, as we need to use the numbers that we obtained from the purple tape. The numbers from the purple tape are indeed our “One-time pad” key. They are precisely the same as our code. Both are 24 numbers in total. Now, we will take the “One-time pad” key and add it to our existing code using a non-arithmetic carrying addition method. If you add 5+8, you usually get 13, but according to non-arithmetic carrying addition, it will be 3. If you add 6+6, it will be 2. Adding the code and the “One-time pad” key we get (ignoring “J”): Code after non-arithmetic addition: Coming back to the “HELI EVAC” code “J4722,” we can see that the letter is “J.” This is useful information as you can find a bunch of letters on Venona 4/4 that does not make any sense. But, we have our code now and the letter “J.”

We need to use the column with the heading “J” from Venona 4/4 to decipher the final code. The “J” column states: 0 = I 1 = E 2 = G 3 = A 4 = D 5 = O 6 = S 7 = C 8 = L 9 = T We can use the above information to translate our code into letters, which gives us: The final code for the Venona cipher is: L I T A A L E E I I E S C O D G L A D T E G I E

Lambda & f Cipher

This cipher is quite complicated to understand, and the fact that the red tape, which is used to solve this cipher, missed one number, made it a whole lot difficult to solve it. In all the tapes, we’ve had 24 numbers, but in the red tape, a number was missing at 8:25 time-stamp. Either way, the number was determined by looking at the layout of this cipher. The following numbers were obtained from the red tape: 2,0,9,1,3,3,6,1,7,7,1,6,3,9,7,7,7,0,8,5,9,4,1 The following code is the correct code if there was no number missing: 2,0,9,1,3,3,6,1,7,7,1,6,3(missing number),3,9,7,7,7,0,8,5,9,4,1 You might be wondering how that missing number was determined. For that, you need to look at the cipher images and the name of the cipher. If you look closely, you will notice that the image on Lambda & f 1/5 looks similar to the Dual Tone Multi-Frequency (DTMF) keypad. If you look at the 23 numbers and the frequencies across the dial-pad, you will notice that they match going across the top and bottom. The missing number 3 was determined by looking at the last frequency value at the top, which is 1633 Hz. The numbers from the tape were “163”, only that gave us a hint that another “3” would go in there. The rest of the frequency values match perfectly. And it makes sense as the name also suggests the use of wavelength and frequency, which is the main working principle in the DTMF. By looking at the rest of the overlay, you can determine the other frequencies as well and fill in the Lambda & f 1/5 cipher page.

Once you’ve got the dial-pad, you can overlap the remaining ciphers 2/5 and 3/5 to find what number is overlapping what word to get the values of alpha, bravo, charlie, delta, echo, foxtrot, and golf.

The values turn out to be: These values were used to identify the phone number on Lambda & f 5/5. The phone number is not complete, and it goes +1 (831) _ _ - _ _ _. You will see on Lambda & f 4/5, you have “BRAVO, FOXTROT, ALPHA,” and accordingly, that translates to Bravo = 2, Foxtrot = 9 and Alpha = 0. These are three numbers that go well with the first three blanks of the phone number. The rest of the four words are found on the phone number cipher image itself that are “DELTA, ECHO, CHARLIE, GOLF,” and this translates to Delta = 6, Echo = 5, Charlie = 7 and Golf = 8. This gives us the full phone number +1 (831) 290 - 6578.

When you called this number, there was a voice on the other side that asked for a six-digit verification code. This verification code appeared on the telephone, which can be seen on the pawn takes pawn website ( The code is 274058. When you enter this code then a message is played giving you the final code in the military language that is: OSCAR ALPHA TANGO ALPHA INDIA LIMA MIKE HOTEL SIERRA KILO GOLF ROMEO ECHO DELTA ECHO INDIA ECHO CHARLIE MIKE NOVEMBER OSCAR ECHO ECHO ECHO We can translate this to a full code by taking the first letter of each word and getting: O A T A I L M H S K G R E D E I E C M N O E E E

All Cipher Solutions

The cipher solutions are:

PSG: AR OP BD TO GC AT ME IN DT ER RU SR Nix-Charge: L D S N U G O T F T E T W N F S R I R L O D R A Nix-Stack: S A S F L T E E T M I N V E T A T S C H T A T L Chem: C W H H N Y H I B B I H Y H S I O S N C S H N H Venona: L I T A A L E E I I E S C O D G L A D T E G I E Lambda & f: O A T A I L M H S K G R E D E I E C M N O E E E

Putting The Cipher Solutions Together

We now have all the cipher solutions. You must be thinking, what to do with all these random string of letters? Well, these random strings of letters came into play when Treyarch once again updated their 11thhour URL. If you went to the site, you would see a sticky note that read “TIMING IS EVERYTHING” and another sticky note with a number of time-stamps.

These time-stamps, as expected, belonged to the tapes. The time stamps were also in an interval of 0:05, and if you go across all the tapes from start to the beginning, you will notice that the numbers flashed after every 0:05 seconds. Since they are spread across all the tapes, you wouldn’t have noticed, but putting them together according to the time stamp, it makes perfect sense.

Time-stamps with Numbers

Here are the time-stamps for all the tapes with the numbers.

Combined Time-stamps

Now that we have all the time-stamps, we can combine them together in ascending order from the lowest time (2:05) to the maximum time (14:00). This is important as “TIMING IS EVERYTHING,” combined with a list of time-stamps shown on /11thhour, was a hint at this very thing. Another hint that was given was two letters next to 2:10 and 3:10. 2:10 had a letter “A” and 3:10 had a letter “S”. Now, what we need to do is to take the 24 letters from each cipher and line them up with the time-stamps from the tape that gave us those particular numbers for the solution. If done correctly, you will have the following list: That was a long list, but if you look at the letters, you will notice that it somewhat makes a sentence. To make it easier for you to read here’s the full list condensed: SALCOLDAWARSISNTHFOUGHTPONLAABATTLEFIELDYTHETTIMEHBOMBEISGTICKINGAWITHMEVERYESECONDFTHEIDISASTERNISDCOMINGTCLOSERHANDECLOSERTTHERDANGERUISTREALH The sentence that we can make from the above string of letters is: A COLD WAR ISNT FOUGHT ON A BATTLEFIELD THE TIME BOMB IS TICKING WITH EVERY SECOND THE DISASTER IS COMING CLOSER AND CLOSER THE DANGER IS REAL The remaining letters that were not used in the above sentence are not pointless. The remaining letters spell out: SLASH PLAY THE GAME FIND THE TRUTH This is a new URL that takes us to a website where we can see the teaser of the latest Call of Duty Black Ops: Cold War. The site is The teaser is a Youtube video (unlisted at the time of discovery) on Call of Duty’s official Youtube channel. And that concludes our huge easter egg! Also, if you read the description of the teaser, it states, “Know your history…or be doomed to repeat it. Verdansk. August 26th.

This confirms that the reveal trailer for the new Black Ops is going to take place inside Warzone on August 26, 2020, during a live event. You can also see a “Live” written next to Warzone on the main menu screen when you boot up your Modern Warfare.

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title: “Pawn Takes Pawn Guide Zork Achievements Codes Cyphers Full Solution” ShowToc: true date: “2022-12-14” author: “Vernon Lewis”

At the start of the easter egg (Phase 1 - as described below), the PawnTakesPawn website had a completely different look to it. Since then, it has kept changing and evolving to contain more interactive objects and information, as we have progressed towards the release of the Black Ops Cold War. PawnTakesPawn is an Alternate Reality Game (ARG) that has kept the COD community busy, while we wait for the release of Black Ops Cold War. In this guide we have separated all the easter egg hunts into different phases to make things easier for you to understand, as there is a lot to cover. Phase 1 started in early August 2020, when several content creators were sent out different packages that contained projectors and slides. They could not open the packages until August 10, however. The information contained in these projector slides eventually lead them into the Bunkers in Call of Duty: Warzone.

These Bunkers contained several cipher keys and clues that were used to solve different puzzles. After a 2-week long puzzle, the reveal trailer for Black Ops Cold War was given to us through an in-game event in Warzone on August 26, 2020. Phase 2 began on August 31, 2020, when the PawnTakesPawn website was updated with new content including a computer terminal, dot-matrix, and a text-based adventure game called ‘Zork.’ You can play the game to get several achievements. This was the start of the Zork achievements and a warm-up for the puzzles to follow in the coming weeks/phases. The site also now had an option to sign up to save your achievements. Phase 3 began around 4 September 2020 with several postcards being mailed to players who had signed up, asking them to solve the Zork puzzle to get even more achievements and rewards to redeem in Warzone. In Phase 4, the same content creators from Phase 1 were sent out packages containing items that could be used to solve the puzzles. Phase 4 began on 23 September 2020 and alluded to the zombies mode present in Call of Duty: Black Ops Cold War, cumulating with a trailer for the mode being revealed on 30 September,. This was after teaser video was unveiled on 29 September, being the culmunation of a week-long easter egg hunt and puzzle-solving.

Phase 5 began on October 18, 2020, when PawnTakesPawn users were sent an email with instructions on how to solve the next easter egg and puzzles that were in the Black Ops Cold War Beta that was available to play at the time. Note that Phase 4 had announced an extension of the Black Ops Cold War Beta play period. Originally the beta was supposed to last until October 19, 2020, but after the easter egg, it was extended to October 20, 2020. Phase 6 began on October 22, 2020, when the participants received yet another email providing instructions on solving the easter egg’s next part, utilizing Call of Duty: Mobile. Phase 7 began on October 26, 2020. Several content creators were sent some more items that will be used for the next and final step of the PawnTakesPawn easter egg. Below, you will find a complete guide on how each phase was completed, with an in-depth explanation of each and every puzzle. We also have a full Zork guide explaining how to get all the achievements on the PawnTakesPawn website.

Phase 1

To start, Activision sent out mysterious crates to several Call of Duty content creators, including NoahJ456, MrDalekJD, CodeNamePizza, TheXclusiveAce, and CharlieINTEL. They were given a specific date to open up these crates. The date was August 10th, 2020. Upon opening up the crates, these content creators found an old 1950’s projector with projector slides. These projector slides contained several different images, including real-world map locations of several major cities that were numbered (London, Paris, Moscow, New York, and Tokyo), random letters around clock figures with colored circles at the bottom, and parts of the Summit map from the Black ops franchise.

At this point, a discovery was made - there had been a sneaky update to the Black Ops 4 map ‘Summit’. The map also contained the numbers next to the major cities in projector slides, along with some clocks with all the city names that were found in the crate, except for Tokyo.

In addition to the clocks, the computer screens in the central control room were now turned on. They had the same kind of images that were seen in the projector slides.

When you loaded up the Summit map, you could notice the same sort of numbers all around the map on different colored walls. These correlated with the numbers that showed the major cities on the projector slides, which ultimately help decide what letter clock figure corresponds to which city.

The clocks in Summit were completely frozen at specific times. Now, since we knew which letter clock figure corresponds to which city, we could overlay them on the clocks and then note down the letters those clock hands were pointing at.

After doing all the cities the following words were discovered:

New York: U E W Moscow: H R E London: S B I Tokyo: E E R Paris: Y O H

These letters were an anagram for a sentence that was “BISH YOU WERE HERE.” It was discovered that “Bish you were here” was a famous chess game during a world chess championship in 1972 between Boris Spassky (representing Russia) and Robert Fischer (representing the USA). Moving forward, the remaining images come into play. While everyone was confused about the next step, Treyarch put up an image on their Instagram story that showed a similar circular picture as the ones seen in the project slides, along with a long list of blanks with one letter “K.”

The images with yellow circles (both from the projector slides and the in-game computer screens), and the one that Treyarch put in their story, were overlayed on top of the images with letters on them. This gave us a sentence, “TURN ELEVEN WHITE.” This was again referencing to the Boris vs. Fischer chess game where on the 11th turn during the game, a pawn takes over another pawn.

This was co-aligned with what Treyarch put on their story, and another word was figured out, which was PAWNTAKESPAWN. And, the “K” in “TAKES” perfectly matched with the Instagram story blank.

Finally, it was discovered that there was a website for the actual easter egg, which then began on August 14, 2020. You could go to and see an old TV with a VHS tape player and an ancient telephone. Not only that, but you could also see the Warzone map, hinting about the involvement of Warzone in the next step of the easter egg.

The Ciphers

Every day starting from August 14 through to August 19, 2020, there were multiple VHS tapes released that could be watched on the aforementioned VHS player. These tapes were each 20 minutes long and had a series of numbers flashing, showing the video played.

The time across all these tapes ranged from 2:05 to 14:00 min. The numbers flash across all these tapes at an interval of 0:05 seconds every time. This is an important piece of information that we would need for the final step of this easter egg.

The tapes were also colored, and that helped us decide what tape would help solve what cipher. Basically, there are six ciphers: PSG, Lambda & f, Nix-Charge, Nix Stack, Chem, and Venona. These ciphers are spread in different locked bunkers and shacks around Warzone.

These ciphers are also color-coded, and that helps us understand which tape corresponds to which cipher. There will be more on this as we progress further, since these colors have significance in solving the ciphers, courtesy of new information that was released on the very last day of the easter egg. While these tapes played, the VHS player flashed Warzone coordinates with keypad code. Those coordinates lead to either a locked room or a bunker that had these cipher images. For example, Venona cipher 1/4 could be in Bunker 4 while Venona cipher 3/4 could be found in the secret locked farm room, and so on. Every other day, a new tape was released with the previous one titled V2. The third day V2 changed to V3 and so on. Each new version of the tape added more random numbers on top of the already existing ones in them. This caused everyone to re-watch all the tapes to capture all the random numbers on the last day when the final tape was released. On the first day of the Easter egg (August 14, 2020), there was also a sticky note on the TV that read /tangledweb. This was just a URL to the page that had a huge note about war, ciphers, and signals.

There was another sticky note that read /emc2. This one leads to another page where the days of the easter egg were mentioned and were crossed off one by one, as they passed. The day wouldn’t be crossed off until the steps for the day were completed. You can see the image of the site below as seen on the sixth day.

On the last day, there were two more sticky notes released on another page: /11thhour. The two sticky notes were “TIMING IS EVERYTHING” and a huge note with time-stamps that were obviously for the tapes. This is important for the final step of this easter egg.

The Tapes and Numbers

There were a total six tapes that each had footage of various historic real-life events. All the videos were from the Cold War era, from 1947 - 1991. Below we have gathered all the numbers found on each tape on the final day.

1981 (Yellow): 1,3,2,2,3,4,1,1,2,1,3,1,2,2,6,2,3,4,3,1,5,1,2,1 1979 (Red): 2,0,9,1,3,3,6,1,7,7,1,6,3,9,7,7,7,0,8,5,9,4,1 1977-78 (Purple): 4,3,7,1,3,2,7,8,8,5,0,8,5,2,9,8,1,5,8,3,0,1,4,7 1972-73 (Blue): 7,50,7,51,2,25,54,54,25,9,57,6,22,54,25,50,25,7,59,58,25,50,25,2 1968-69 (Orange): 15,9,13,21,12,6,10,24,4,11,5,17,25,18,7,11,13,12,22,19,13,1,16,2 1961-62 (Green): 60,8,52,48,80,15,93,37,71,15,80,8,92,25,81,37,80,38,60,48,93,18,63,28

Warzone Coordinates & Access Codes

Video Showcase

Every time a new tape was released, in-game Warzone coordinates and eight-digit keypad access codes were also shown briefly on the VHS player. These coordinates either lead to locked bunkers or secret rooms that we couldn’t access until the codes were shown.

We can find all the ciphers inside all these bunkers and rooms, along with amazing legendary loot.

Bunker 10 (with Nuke) - 1981 (Yellow)

VHS Screen: WZ-F8-60274513 Coordinate: F8 Keypad Code: 60274513

TV Station Shack - 1979 (Red)

VHS Screen: WZ-F4-27495810 Coordinate: F4 Keypad Code: 27495810

Bunker 01 - 1977-78 (Purple)

VHS Screen: WZ-B7-97264138 Coordinate: B7 Keypad Code: 97264138

Prison Shack - 1972-73 (Blue)

VHS Screen: WZ-H8-72948531 Coordinate: H8 Keypad Code: 72948531

Bunker 03 - 1968-69 (Orange)

VHS Screen: WZ-B5-87624851 Coordinate: B5 Keypad Code: 87624851

Farmland Secret Room - 1961-62 (Green)

VHS Screen: WZ-H6-49285163 Coordinate: H6 Keypad Code: 49285163

Cipher Colors

The colors of these ciphers are:

PSG (Green) Nix-Charge (Yellow) Nix Stack (Red) Lambda & f (Purple) Chem (Blue) Venona (Orange)

Final Key

On the last day of the Easter egg, there was one more key released on /11thhour. This key indicated what colored tape would be used to solve what colored cipher.

The cipher key goes:

PSG Cipher

Let’s start with the PSG cipher. The PSG cipher had four grids that were found in different bunkers and secret locked rooms. Before continuing with this cipher, you need to get familiar with the four-square cipher invented by Félix Delastelle.

In a four-square cipher, there are four 5x5 matrices that are arranged in a square to make a big 10x10 matric. These matrices contain alphabets, ignoring the letter “Q” or sometimes putting both “I” and “J” to ensure all the alphabets fit together. The upper-left and lower-right matrices are called plaintext squares that have regular alphabets from a-z omitting the letter “q”. The upper-right and lower-left matrices are called ciphertext squares. These contain the alphabets but starting with a known keyword. The ciphertext squares start with the keyword alphabets followed by filling in the remaining alphabets in order and skipping any repeated alphabets that could be found in the keyword alphabets. If we take a look at the PSG ciphers 1/4 and 4/4, they both start with A and end with Z. This means that they are the plaintext squares, and we can continue to fill the alphabets ignoring the letter “Q.”

You can also notice on PSG 3/4, and there is a small statement that reads, “As usual, each of the 5x5 matrices ignores instances of the letter “Q.” This confirms that we will skip “Q.” Now, to fill PSG 2/4 and PSG 3/4, we have the keywords. PSG 2/4 has a code word written on it “ZEPHYR.” This is our keyword that we will put in the grid. We also already have the first letter “Z” on it. After putting in “ZEPHYR,” we continue putting the alphabets in order from A to Z, omitting the use of “Q.” We repeat the same with PSG 3/4 with the keyword “TRIDENT.”

Once we’ve completed all the squares, we can arrange them together in a 10x10 grid. After arranging them, we need to plot numbers from 0-9 on both x-axis and y-axis. Another hint has been given on PSG 1/4, and you can see a 0 number beside the letter “A” that confirms this.

Once you have everything plotted, the hard part starts. So the numbers that we get from the green tape are: 60,8,52,48,80,15,93,37,71,15,80,8,92,25,81,37,80,38,60,48,93,18,63,28 If you look at the numbers closely, you will see a repeating pattern that is:

If the first digit is greater than or equal to 5, then the second digit is lower than 5. If the first digit is lower than 5, then the second digit is greater than or equal to 5.

From this, we can deduce that these are a pair of coordinates that we can use on the 10x10 grid. The first digit is considered as the column number, and the second digit is considered as the row number. This is where most of the people get it wrong, as they treat, for instance, the first number 60 as going across 6 and down 0, which gives them the letter “E.” Most of the people consider this as the correct first letter, but this is wrong. You need to solve this according to Delastelle’s rule. That means, according to the pattern discussed above, one pair of coordinates would be 60 and 8 (or 08) as they are the first two numbers from the green tape. 60 gives us the letter “E,” and 08 provides us with the letter “M” on the 10x10 grid. Now, to get the actual letters, you need to refer to the alphabets in conjunction or intersection across these letters. You have “E” and “M,” these are two corners, now look above “M” but stop at the row where we have “E,” you land at “A.” This letter “A” is your first alphabet.

Now, look across “M” but to the right and stop at the column where you get “E,” and you stop on the letter “R.” This is your second letter for this pair, which gives you “AR.” Do the same with the rest of the numbers, and you get the final code that is: AR OP BD TO GC AT ME IN DT ER RU SR That concludes your PSG cipher.

Nix-Charge Cipher

According to the final key, the Nix-Charge cipher can be solved using the numbers found in the orange tape. The numbers are: 15,9,13,21,12,6,10,24,4,11,5,17,25,18,7,11,13,12,22,19,13,1,16,2 It is quite simple to solve this one. You will notice on Nix-Charge 1/4 and Nix-Charge 2/4 that there are two different images with a bunch of numbers stacked on top of each other. On 1/4, it reads that “FLAT BLACK CROWN ADMINISTERS POSITIVE EFFECTS.” And on 2/4, it states that “SILVER CROWN ADMINISTERS POSITIVE EFFECTS.”

From this, we can deduce that any number with a black base will be considered as a positive number, and any number with a white base will be considered as a negative number. Going to Nix-charge 3/4 and 4/4, the total numbers available are 24. The numbers from the tapes were also 24 in total. The Nix-Charge numbers can be found by looking at both 3/4 and 4/4. The numbers that are missing in 3/4 can be seen in the same base on 4/4. And the numbers that are missing in 4/4 can be seen in 3/4. Correlating both of them, you can fill in the Nix-Charge numbers. In the infographic image below, you can see how the first two rows are correlated, the rest are filled in following the same method.

The Nix-Charge numbers are: -3,-5,+6,-7,+9,+1,+5,-4,+2,+9,-0,3,-2,-4,-1,+8,+5,-3,-4,-7,+2,+3,+2,-1 Now all you have to do is add the numbers from the Nix-Charge to the numbers obtained from the orange tape.

Final Numbers

Then you will translate these final numbers into letters by following the general rule of A=1, B=2, C=3, D=4, and so on.

The letters that you get from the final numbers are: L D S N U G O T F T E T W N F S R I R L O D R A That concludes our Nix-Charge cipher.

Nix-Stack Cipher

The Nix-Stack cipher is the red cipher and according to the final key, we use the numbers flashed in the blue tape to solve this cipher. The numbers seen in the blue tape were: 7,50,7,51,2,25,54,54,25,9,57,6,22,54,25,50,25,7,59,58,25,50,25,2 This cipher is based around Nixie tubes. A Nixie tube is a glass tube with a number of cathodes shaped in numeral form. The word nixie is derived from the word “NIX I,” which is an abbreviation of “Numeric Indicator eXperimental No. 1”. We can also see this name all on Nix-Stack ciphers. The most common Nixie tubes have ten cathodes in the shape of numbers ranging from 0-9. These cathodes are placed one behind another, and each of these appears at different depths. We can see Nix-Stack 3/3 that the numbers are all stacked together confirming this. There are different arrangements one such arrangement is called “ИH-12A” or “IN-12A”. This is a Russian arrangement where the numbers go 3 8 9 4 0 5 7 2 6 1 from front (3) to back (1). It makes sense as well since the sequence of numbers seen in Nix-Stack 2/3 is matching up with this arrangement of numbers. You can fill in the blank numbers and get precisely the same arrangement.

Now, you will notice that an arrow is pointing down from the last number (1) to the first (3), indicating that the arrangement of the same numbers is reversed. If you go to Nix-Stack 3/3, you have a blank space to fill from 0-9. You can fill in the Russian arrangement numbers (3 8 9 4 0 5 7 2 6 1) but in reverse order since the arrow is pointing from 1 to 3 (1 6 2 7 5 0 4 9 8 3).

This will give you a reference that will help you decode the numbers obtained from the blue tape. Filling in the arrangement you will get: Once you’ve established the above. You now know that 0 = 1, 1 = 6, 2 = 2 and so on. We will use this to translate the numbers that we’ve obtained from the blue tape digit by digit. For instance, the first number from the blue tape is 7 (or 07), which means if we look at it digit by digit, it will be 19. Because 0 = 1 and 7 = 9 making it 19. You will translate all the numbers using the same method which will give you the final number: 19 01 19 06 12 20 05 05 20 13 09 14 22 05 20 01 20 19 03 08 20 01 20 12 You will again use the same general rule of converting these numbers to the alphabet using the table provided above in the Nix-Charge cipher. Your final answer will be: S A S F L T E E T M I N V E T A T S C H T A T L That is your solution for the Nix-Charge cipher.

Chem Cipher

The Chem cipher requires a little bit of Chemistry knowledge. You need to familiarize yourself with the Hill System Order when writing the chemical compound formulas. To summarize, the Hill System states that when writing a chemical formula, the Carbon (C) atoms are written first, Hydrogen (H) second, and all the remaining elements in alphabetical order. If there is no Carbon present in a formula, then rearrange the formula in alphabetical order. According to the final key, the Chem cipher can be solved by using the numbers acquired from the yellow tape. The numbers are: 1,3,2,2,3,4,1,1,2,1,3,1,2,2,6,2,3,4,3,1,5,1,2,1 There are two ciphers for Chem 1/2 and 2/2. Both these Chem ciphers have a list of 24 chemical compounds (12 chemical compounds in each cipher page). The number of chemical compounds is exactly the same as the numbers that we got from the tape. Both are 24. On Chem 1/2 cipher page, there is a note that says, “USE THE HILL SYSTEM AND DISREGARD SUBSCRIPT INTEGERS.” This means that whatever subscripts we get, including the numbers in a chemical compound formula, we will ignore that after arranging the chemical formulas into a Hill System Order. The chemical compound formulas and their Hill System Order is: After arranging the chemical compound formulas into Hill System formation, we will go back to the numbers that we got from the yellow tape. If you look closely at the numbers, you will realize that all the numbers are very small. The max number in this set is 5, and the lowest is 1. Each number here points to a letter in the Hill System formula of the corresponding chemical element. For instance, our first number is 1, so we will choose the first letter from the first chemical formula (hill system) that is CHNO. The first letter here is “C”. Following the same method, we get the following: That gives us our final solution for the Chem cipher that is: C W H H N Y H I B B I H Y H S I O S N C S H N H

Venona Cipher

The Venona cipher has a total of four pages, and it uses the concept of the “one-time pad” key. The cipher might seem complicated at first glance, but once you understand the main idea, everything becomes much clearer. We highly recommend you read Smithsonian Magazine’s article on this specific cipher to grasp the central concept. Venona has an orange color, and accordingly, the numbers from the purple tape are used to solve this cipher. The purple tape gives us the following numbers: 4,3,7,1,3,2,7,8,8,5,0,8,5,2,9,8,1,5,8,3,0,1,4,7 To solve this cipher, you should know how to open up Bunker 11. Feel free to check our full guide on how to do the Bunker 11 easter egg and access it. Once you’re inside the Bunker, you will notice several random words on the walls of the Bunker.

And as we suspected back when the Bunker was first opened, those words are indeed part of this easter egg and helps decipher the Venona cipher. Visiting Bunker 11 ever since this easter egg’s solution, we’ve observed that these words are not on the wall anymore. The words are:


If you look at Venona 3/4, you can find all these words there with their codes that are:

“RESUME” = 0643 “COVER” = 2518 “AWAIT” = 2354 “FURTHER” = 7866 “INSTRUCTIONS” = 1164

The order is exactly as stated above, and according to Venona 3/4, it becomes: 0643 2518 2354 7866 1164 We get a 20 digit code. Taking a look at Venona 2/4, you can see that there is a red note that reads “HELI EVAC,” pointing the first empty box of the last row. You can get this code by looking at the winning screen of Warzone. When you win and get into the helicopter, you will notice a code beside your Operator on an orange “bag.” The code is “J4722.”

According to the Venona rule, you need to shift the first digit from the second group to the first, first two digits from the third group to the second, first three from the fourth to the third, and finally, all four from the fifth group to the fourth group. Doing so, you will get the following number now: 06432 51823 54786 61164 Now we add the “HELI EVAC” code at the beginning of this code which makes it look like: J4722 06432 51823 54786 61164

You will notice that these numbers now fit perfectly in the last empty row of Venona 2/4. But, we are still not done, as we need to use the numbers that we obtained from the purple tape. The numbers from the purple tape are indeed our “One-time pad” key. They are precisely the same as our code. Both are 24 numbers in total. Now, we will take the “One-time pad” key and add it to our existing code using a non-arithmetic carrying addition method. If you add 5+8, you usually get 13, but according to non-arithmetic carrying addition, it will be 3. If you add 6+6, it will be 2. Adding the code and the “One-time pad” key we get (ignoring “J”): Code after non-arithmetic addition: Coming back to the “HELI EVAC” code “J4722,” we can see that the letter is “J.” This is useful information as you can find a bunch of letters on Venona 4/4 that does not make any sense. But, we have our code now and the letter “J.”

We need to use the column with the heading “J” from Venona 4/4 to decipher the final code. The “J” column states: 0 = I 1 = E 2 = G 3 = A 4 = D 5 = O 6 = S 7 = C 8 = L 9 = T We can use the above information to translate our code into letters, which gives us: The final code for the Venona cipher is: L I T A A L E E I I E S C O D G L A D T E G I E

Lambda & f Cipher

This cipher is quite complicated to understand, and the fact that the red tape, which is used to solve this cipher, missed one number, made it a whole lot difficult to solve it. In all the tapes, we’ve had 24 numbers, but in the red tape, a number was missing at 8:25 time-stamp. Either way, the number was determined by looking at the layout of this cipher. The following numbers were obtained from the red tape: 2,0,9,1,3,3,6,1,7,7,1,6,3,9,7,7,7,0,8,5,9,4,1 The following code is the correct code if there was no number missing: 2,0,9,1,3,3,6,1,7,7,1,6,3(missing number),3,9,7,7,7,0,8,5,9,4,1 You might be wondering how that missing number was determined. For that, you need to look at the cipher images and the name of the cipher. If you look closely, you will notice that the image on Lambda & f 1/5 looks similar to the Dual Tone Multi-Frequency (DTMF) keypad. If you look at the 23 numbers and the frequencies across the dial-pad, you will notice that they match going across the top and bottom. The missing number 3 was determined by looking at the last frequency value at the top, which is 1633 Hz. The numbers from the tape were “163”, only that gave us a hint that another “3” would go in there. The rest of the frequency values match perfectly. And it makes sense as the name also suggests the use of wavelength and frequency, which is the main working principle in the DTMF. By looking at the rest of the overlay, you can determine the other frequencies as well and fill in the Lambda & f 1/5 cipher page.

Once you’ve got the dial-pad, you can overlap the remaining ciphers 2/5 and 3/5 to find what number is overlapping what word to get the values of alpha, bravo, charlie, delta, echo, foxtrot, and golf.

The values turn out to be: These values were used to identify the phone number on Lambda & f 5/5. The phone number is not complete, and it goes +1 (831) _ _ - _ _ _. You will see on Lambda & f 4/5, you have “BRAVO, FOXTROT, ALPHA,” and accordingly, that translates to Bravo = 2, Foxtrot = 9 and Alpha = 0. These are three numbers that go well with the first three blanks of the phone number. The rest of the four words are found on the phone number cipher image itself that are “DELTA, ECHO, CHARLIE, GOLF,” and this translates to Delta = 6, Echo = 5, Charlie = 7 and Golf = 8. This gives us the full phone number +1 (831) 290 - 6578.

When you called this number, there was a voice on the other side that asked for a six-digit verification code. This verification code appeared on the telephone, which can be seen on the pawn takes pawn website ( The code is 274058. When you enter this code then a message is played giving you the final code in the military language that is: OSCAR ALPHA TANGO ALPHA INDIA LIMA MIKE HOTEL SIERRA KILO GOLF ROMEO ECHO DELTA ECHO INDIA ECHO CHARLIE MIKE NOVEMBER OSCAR ECHO ECHO ECHO We can translate this to a full code by taking the first letter of each word and getting: O A T A I L M H S K G R E D E I E C M N O E E E

All Cipher Solutions

The cipher solutions are:

PSG: AR OP BD TO GC AT ME IN DT ER RU SR Nix-Charge: L D S N U G O T F T E T W N F S R I R L O D R A Nix-Stack: S A S F L T E E T M I N V E T A T S C H T A T L Chem: C W H H N Y H I B B I H Y H S I O S N C S H N H Venona: L I T A A L E E I I E S C O D G L A D T E G I E Lambda & f: O A T A I L M H S K G R E D E I E C M N O E E E

Putting The Cipher Solutions Together

We now have all the cipher solutions. You must be thinking, what to do with all these random string of letters? Well, these random strings of letters came into play when Treyarch once again updated their 11thhour URL. If you went to the site, you would see a sticky note that read “TIMING IS EVERYTHING” and another sticky note with a number of time-stamps.

These time-stamps, as expected, belonged to the tapes. The time stamps were also in an interval of 0:05, and if you go across all the tapes from start to the beginning, you will notice that the numbers flashed after every 0:05 seconds. Since they are spread across all the tapes, you wouldn’t have noticed, but putting them together according to the time stamp, it makes perfect sense.

Time-stamps with Numbers

Here are the time-stamps for all the tapes with the numbers.

Combined Time-stamps

Now that we have all the time-stamps, we can combine them together in ascending order from the lowest time (2:05) to the maximum time (14:00). This is important as “TIMING IS EVERYTHING,” combined with a list of time-stamps shown on /11thhour, was a hint at this very thing. Another hint that was given was two letters next to 2:10 and 3:10. 2:10 had a letter “A” and 3:10 had a letter “S”. Now, what we need to do is to take the 24 letters from each cipher and line them up with the time-stamps from the tape that gave us those particular numbers for the solution. If done correctly, you will have the following list: That was a long list, but if you look at the letters, you will notice that it somewhat makes a sentence. To make it easier for you to read here’s the full list condensed: SALCOLDAWARSISNTHFOUGHTPONLAABATTLEFIELDYTHETTIMEHBOMBEISGTICKINGAWITHMEVERYESECONDFTHEIDISASTERNISDCOMINGTCLOSERHANDECLOSERTTHERDANGERUISTREALH The sentence that we can make from the above string of letters is: A COLD WAR ISNT FOUGHT ON A BATTLEFIELD THE TIME BOMB IS TICKING WITH EVERY SECOND THE DISASTER IS COMING CLOSER AND CLOSER THE DANGER IS REAL The remaining letters that were not used in the above sentence are not pointless. The remaining letters spell out: SLASH PLAY THE GAME FIND THE TRUTH This is a new URL that takes us to a website where we can see the teaser of the latest Call of Duty Black Ops: Cold War. The site is The teaser is a Youtube video (unlisted at the time of discovery) on Call of Duty’s official Youtube channel. And that concludes our huge easter egg! Also, if you read the description of the teaser, it states, “Know your history…or be doomed to repeat it. Verdansk. August 26th.

This confirms that the reveal trailer for the new Black Ops is going to take place inside Warzone on August 26, 2020, during a live event. You can also see a “Live” written next to Warzone on the main menu screen when you boot up your Modern Warfare.

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