However, if you ask one of the show’s co-creators, Stephen Moffat, he’d love for nothing to come back and write another season of Sherlock. Moffat recently joined BBC’s Today program where he revealed his thoughts about working on a new season of Sherlock. He said that he’d “start writing tomorrow” if the show’s main stars agreed to return, saying: “They’re on to bigger and better things but, Martin and Benedict, ‘please come back?” Sherlock’s first two seasons were nothing short of special as Cumberbatch was locked in a battle of wits against his nemesis, Jim Moriarty. Season 3 wasn’t half-bad either with Lars Dittmann Mikkelsen’s Charles Augustus Magnussen playing a compelling villain. Unfortunately, Season 4 couldn’t capture the same feeling despite pitting Sherlock against someone who was supposedly one of the few people in the world who were smarter than him. Season 4 of Sherlock was easily the worst-reviewed season of the series and the only one that didn’t generate awards buzz. If it’s any consolation, it’s not like we’d have to look hard to find out what the main stars of the shows are currently doing. Cumberbatch and Freeman have settled nicely into the MCU as Doctor Stephen Strange and Everett Ross, respectively. Meanwhile, Moffat and Mark Gatiss are still racking up awards with Dracula. So, while the world might not necessarily wanting for more Sherlock, audiences wouldn’t mind seeing the iconic duo return if it can recapture the magic of the first three seasons.  Speaking of Sherlock, Robert Downey Jr. is currently producing two spin-offs for HBO Max. Fans can also watch the Millie Bobby Brown-led pair of Enola Holmes films on Netflix, which serve as a reimagining of the classic tales of Sir Arthur Conan Doyle’s classic tales.

Sherlock showrunner would love to  start writing tomorrow  for Season 5 - 15Sherlock showrunner would love to  start writing tomorrow  for Season 5 - 47Sherlock showrunner would love to  start writing tomorrow  for Season 5 - 67